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Caitlin Betsy Bell


painting Caitlin Betsy Bell bunnies Caitlin Betsy Bell circles Caitlin Betsy Bell egg garland Caitlin Betsy Bell chime Caitlin Betsy BellWhile the weather around here lately has been decidedly WINTER we’ve been pretending it is spring with all our inside activities.

1. Always a favorite: paintings made not with brushes, but using cards (old gift cards, membership cards, etc.) to push and pull tempera paint around on watercolor paper. I like to tape the paper down with masking tape first– keeps the paper in place & makes a nice white border when removed!

2. Another alternative to painting with a brush: clothespin + pom pom. I cut out the bunnies on my CAMEO using cardstock.

3. Contact paper circle art! This was loosely based on this project I’d seen for making mandalas. It’s a little early for symmetry around here so instead we just worked on keeping the tissue paper pieces in a circle. I used paper punches to make my circles and a little confetti, too.

4. We received some sweet stickers in the mail from Mumsy (my mom) and put them right to use! Super simple: Eggs cut out of cardstock using my CAMEO, stickers to decorate, & a piece of skinny bias tape that we threaded through the eggs with a yarn needle.

5. This flower chime was done in stages and we all love the result. I had seen this project here. One day we painted the egg carton flowers and wooden beads and then the next day we strung the pieces on a piece of twine, alternating between flowers, beads & jingle bells.


Hope this gives you some ideas to pretend it is spring too! (or celebrate it if you’re so lucky to already be experiencing it in your corner of the world)


xo CBB

spring crafts Caitlin Betsy Bell






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colorful & creative illustration and design