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Caitlin Betsy Bell

 / FOR LITTLE ONES  / DIY Dinosaurs

Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur

This project was one I came up with for my very last story time as a children’s librarian. I absolutely loved that job, but I am equally excited to be returning to teaching at a small independent school in a flex teacher role, where I’ll have lots of opportunities to teach art. As usual, I recycle my ideas and do them with my daughter when we are in need of an art project! Want to make one too?

What you’ll need:

Here is the dinosaur template: PDF SVG You can cut it out with scissors or a CAMEO like I have.

Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur


  1. Cut the dinosaur out of cardstock. Use the paper punch to make circles of cardstock to glue on. Cut the paper towel tube into short sections for the legs.
  2. Decorate your dinosaur! Glue, sticker & embellish to your heart’s content.
  3. Add small 1/4″ slits to the top edge of the tube legs (two slits per leg) and slide the dinosaur body into them so that it will stand up!

Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur

If you’re looking for a little dinosaur reading like I did at story time, these two books are great picks!

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Caitlin Betsy Bell | DIY Dinosaur



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colorful & creative illustration and design